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Income Security Programs

If you require short or long-term financial support, the Department of Education, Culture, and Employment offers a variety of income assistance programs that may be of assistance to you. 


You can find more information on their website.

Trees in Winter

Of specific interest may be the following three programs:

  • This program provides a set amount, based on size of family and community, for food, community cost adjustment, clothing, and furnishings. The program provides assistance with shelter and utilities, based on actual amounts. Allowances for seniors and persons living with disabilities is also available to eligible residents.


  • NEW* A plain language Income Assistance handbook is now available for download.

  • The NWT Senior Citizen Supplementary Benefit (SCSB) provides financial assistance to help low income NWT Seniors to pay for living costs. 



  • You are automatically eligible for the SCSB if you receive the federal Old Age Security (OAS) and the Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS), or the Federal spouse’s allowance. 


  • You must complete an initial application for the federal Guaranteed Income Supplement. Each year after that, the income reported through your income tax return determines eligibility and the amount of monthly federal GIS.

The Senior Home Heating Subsidy provides financial assistance to low-to-modest income seniors to help with the cost of heating their homes.

Seniors may be eligible to receive a set amount depending on household income and the community in which they live.
This program is intended for Northerners who:


  • Are residents of the Northwest Territories


  • Are 60 years of age or older

  • Own and occupy the home as his/her primary residence OR if renting, be the leasee of a self-contained unit where heating costs are not included in the rent


  • Meet a household income test


  • Are not receiving Income Assistance


  • Apply each year


To apply, a Senior Home Heating Subsidy Application must be completed and proof of age, total household income, homeownership or rental accommodation must be provided to a local ECE Service Centre

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