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Age-Friendly Communities
New Brunswick
Prince Edward Island
British Columbia
Newfoundland and Labrador
Nova Scotia
Age Friendly Communities
The NWT Seniors’ Society supports Age-Friendly Communities: a community that is designed to ensure the physical and emotional well-being of older adults.
In an age-friendly community, the policies, services and structures related to the physical and social environment are designed to help seniors “age actively.” In other words, the community is set up to help seniors live safely, enjoy good health and stay involved.
For example, in an age-friendly community:
sidewalks are well lit and kept in good shape.
buildings have automatic door openers and elevators.
seniors take part in all sorts of community activities, such as visiting museums or libraries, taking courses or volunteering for charities or civic duties.
An age-friendly community:
recognizes that seniors have a wide range of skills and abilities.
understands and meets the age-related needs of seniors.
respects the decisions and lifestyle choices of seniors.
protects those seniors who are vulnerable.
recognizes that seniors have a lot to offer their community.
recognizes how important it is to include seniors in all areas of community life.
What an Age-Friendly Community Looks Like:
In an age-friendly community:
outdoor areas and public buildings are pleasant, safe and accessible.
housing is affordable, safe and well designed for seniors.
roads and walkways are accessible and kept in good shape.
public transportation is affordable and accessible.
neighbourhoods are safe.
relationships are respectful.
health and community support services are available.
opportunities for seniors to be socially active exist.
seniors can take part in volunteer, political and employment positions.
information is easy to find and easy to understand.
National Program:
The Government of Canada, through the Public Health Agency of Canada and in partnership with the provinces and territories, has played a lead role in the development and promotion of the Age-Friendly Communities initiative across Canada.
As part of this initiative, the Pan-Canadian Age-Friendly Communities Network was created by the Agency, provinces and territories, and other key partners. Coordinated through the Agency, the Network allows community groups or individuals to exchange and share ideas, experiences, promising practices and resources with other community groups or individuals across the country who are also interested in making their communities more age-friendly.
The Government of Canada continues to encourage the uptake of the Age-Friendly Communities initiative across Canada to help make our communities better, safer and healthier places for Canadians to live and thrive as they age.
If you are interested in joining the Pan-Canadian Network, please visit the Public Health Agency of Canada’s Age-Friendly Communities page.
Provinces and Territories promoting Age-Friendly Communities:
Many provinces are promoting age-friendly community initiatives in Canada. Visit this link to get a list of provinces and to see what they are doing.